2007-08-18 19:14:00 UTC
From time to time when I start up my xbox360 I get the usual scrolling
through the initial screens including the logo page and audio but it is all
in a monotone gray (instead of the usual green). Added to this the green
light on the controller just circles around continuosly and won't work. Is
this a know problem? Is there an obvious fix or does it spell trouble. I have
tried ensuring the console is cool but it still happens.
Many thanks for any help.
through the initial screens including the logo page and audio but it is all
in a monotone gray (instead of the usual green). Added to this the green
light on the controller just circles around continuosly and won't work. Is
this a know problem? Is there an obvious fix or does it spell trouble. I have
tried ensuring the console is cool but it still happens.
Many thanks for any help.